A special edition of Beacon for the Youth based on a selected collection of addresses of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) delivered to Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya between 2003 till 2023.
This is the second volume in the series entitled Beacon for the Youth.
The addresses of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih breathe a new spirit into the reader helping navigate 21st century life—revolving around the ultimate objective of building a living connection with God Almighty.
Check out the dedicated website: beaconfortheyouth.com
(Available for immediate dispatch)
Beacon for the Youth is a collection of addresses on Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya delivered by the Caliphs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. In commemoration of twenty years of Khilafat-e-Khamisa (the Fifth Khilafat), the present volume covers the era between 2003 and 2023.
Beacon for the Youth is unique, it stands alone in its outlook on nation building and presents a comprehensive image of a true Islamic society based upon the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah and Ahadith. In essence, it is a guide on the ideals which all generations of Muslims, particularly young men, ought to aspire towards.
In this collection of addresses the reader will be taken on a faith-inspiring journey spanning twenty years, in which Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba guides the youth on countless matters, with the ultimate aim of gaining nearness to Allah the Almighty.
Publisher: Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK
Printed by: Ozlem Print, Turkey.
Published: 2024
ISBN: 978-1-0687058-9-2
Length: 473
Type: Paperback
Dimensions: 205mm x 140mm x 40mm